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Business Insurance: Coverage to Help Protect Your Business

In everyday life, the actions we take have risks that can occur anytime and anywhere. As humans, we can be sure that we want to avoid these risks or minimize the risks that will occur. When risk occurs, it often has a considerable effect on financial stability, especially in the business world, something that happens or a decision is made will be risky and affect the company's financial performance.

For example, in the event of a natural disaster such as an earthquake. Where no one can predict when and where earthquakes can occur. However, the impact of the earthquake was felt by all parties, including the business world which has building assets such as offices. This can make buildings that function as offices damaged and affect your business processes. If the damage that occurs is minor damage, it will not make the company's finances have a significant impact.

It's different if you prepare an umbrella before it rains by having insurance that is protection. The context of protection in insurance is as protection, guarantee and also product benefits of any type of insurance. Insurance is a transfer of risk or minimizes losses that can occur in the future with a written policy agreement. 

Insurance can be interpreted as an agreement between the insurance company and the policyholder that forms the basis for the receipt of premiums by the insurance company in exchange for providing reimbursement to the insured for losses, damages, costs incurred, loss of profits or legal liability to third parties that the insured may suffer due to an uncertain event. In addition, insurance also provides payments based on the death or life of the insured with benefits whose amount has been determined on the results of fund management. 

Enjoy a variety of Insurance Benefits

Insurance is very important because it is useful as an important step to minimize risks, especially in unexpected financial risks in the company. In addition, insurance also has several other benefits, such as:

Insurance is useful for minimizing losses, losses faced by companies are getting lighter because part or all of the risk has been transferred to the insurance company. So, the saved savings funds can be allocated for other purposes in your business or an emergency fund that has been prepared and not used can be invested

Insurance is useful in providing protection to yourself, your loved ones or a team of employees who work in your company. By having insurance indirectly, you provide investment in the form of protection and protection against yourself or others.

Take advantage of insurance as one of the company's money management steps on a regular basis. Indirectly, we will understand how to manage company finances by regularly setting aside into the division of posts. One of them is post insurance payments, post business needs or other posts. 

Earthquake Insurance, where this insurance product provides coverage for losses caused by Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Fires, and Tsunamis

Fire Insurance, where this product is useful to protect your business from loss or damage to property such as buildings, machinery, equipment, and inventory or stock, caused by the risks covered in the Fire Insurance Standard policy

All Risk Property Insurance, where this product provides protection against unexpected, sudden and accidental physical loss or damage other than those specifically excluded in the General or Special Exemptions.

Motor Vehicle Insurance, this type of insurance offers protection against damage or loss of motor vehicles

Group Health Insurance, this product provides insurance coverage specifically by covering the cost of care or health of employees. When there is a health problem such as suffering from an illness or having an accident.

Transportation Insurance, this type of insurance provides protection against the risk of loss or damage including for costs incurred during the goods in transit, either by Land, Sea or Air. Insurance protection comes into effect from the moment the conveyance leaves the warehouse and ends upon arrival at its destination.

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