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The Cheapest Car Insurance 2023

What is Car Insurance? 

Car insurance is a protection service provided by the insurance company against the car you own. Car insurance provides protection for private cars or for business use from various risks such as accidents, natural disasters, fires, damage, to riots. 

Why Should You Have Car Insurance? 

WHO noted that traffic accidents are the third biggest killer in Indonesia, after coronary heart disease and tuberculosis. According to data from the Indonesian national police, there were 100,028 accidents in 2020. Human negligence is a major factor in the occurrence of accidents. It is also understood that this factor comes not only from us but also from others. On the streets, the negligence of others can be bad for us. Even if a person has ridden in an orderly manner, he or she may become a victim because of reckless riders.

The risk of injury or death can be reduced by improving safety, but the risk of damaged vehicles is often inevitable, both lightly and severely damaged. This is what makes our vehicles, in this case cars, need to be insured. What's more, it costs quite a lot even if the damage is only in the form of abrasions on the car.

Accidents are not the only reason. Begal and vehicle theft are increasing day by day everywhere. Not only in big cities, but even small and quiet places are very often targeted by crime. The risk of losing a vehicle continues to increase. Therefore, it is very logical for a person to decide to insure his car.

What are the advantages of having car insurance? 

If you're already applying for a new car loan or a used car loan, here are some of the advantages of why it's important that you have the best car insurance:

Maximum vehicle protection: By having car insurance, you will get protection facilities either in terms of maintenance or accidents.

Indemnity for losses: If your vehicle is damaged, lost, or stolen, the insurance company will provide compensation with a large enough amount according to the amount of premium payment in your policy so that the losses suffered can be minimized.

Maintenance investment: With competitive car insurance prices, having vehicle insurance will make your vehicle better maintained from minor damages. When resold will increase the pricebecause your car is better maintained and has insurance.

Cheapest auto insurance from the largest companies


Average annual rate

Average monthly rate

1. Geico



2. State Farm



3. Progressive



4. Farmers



5. Allstate






*USAA auto insurance is available only to military, veterans and their families.

Cheapest car insurance by state

What counts as cheap auto insurance will be different depending on where you live, as rates vary widely from state to state.

For the sake of comparison, we found the cheapest car insurance company on average in each state and Washington, D.C.


Cheapest company

Average annual rate



















New York

Main Street America


North Carolina




Union Mutual






Grange Insurance Association


Washington, D.C.



West Virginia









These tips could help you get cheap auto insurance rates:

  1. Ask for discounts.

  2. Rethink your deductible.

  3. Know when to cut coverage.

  4. Cash in on major life changes.

  5. Revisit quotes after your driving record improves.

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